General Information, 2024 Rock Preseason Showdown (St. Marys Minor Hockey)
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2024 Rock Preseason Showdown
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General Information
Rock Preseason Showdown -September 20-22, 2024
OMHA Sanction #13852
The St. Marys Minor Hockey Association invites you to apply for participation in our
Rock Preseason Showdown Tournament
at the St. Marys Pyramid Recreation Centre. Teams are guaranteed three game in a round robin format. Additional game(s) are possible if your team advances to the playoff rounds.
** There are two steps to secure your spot in our tournament. Both steps are mandatory - no exceptions! **
Fill out the
online reservation form linked here
Complete the pdf form (
linked here
) and email it, along with the
via e-transfer per the payment information stated below. Should you wish to mail the registration form and a cheque, you can forward that to the address listed below. Please make any cheques payable to St. Marys Minor Hockey Association.
The tournament fee includes all gate fees. Applications will only be confirmed when tournament reservation is received through the website and the pdf application form is received accompanied by a payment receipt for the full tournament fee. Please provide a phone number and email so that you can be contacted regarding acceptance into the tournament. Deadline for the application, team roster, and full payment is one month prior to the tournament date.
Tournament round robin games begin on Friday morning and Championship games will be played on Sunday afternoon. All game times given are final (no changes will be made).
All teams must be A classification
(or equivalent).
A non-refundable deposit of $200 will apply. Please take careful not of our refund policy on the SMMHA website.
Period Length
Registration Cost
Please return your completed application and payment (or copy of EFT receipt for tournament fees) to:
Hard copy applications and cheques (made payable to St. Marys Minor Hockey Association):
SMMHA Tournament Convenor
c/o Rich Ballantyne
PO Box 1906
St. Marys, ON
N4X 1C2
Electronic Copy of Applications:
Email to:
[email protected]
E-transfer for payment:
[email protected]
2025 Rock Preseason Showdown Tournament Rules
OMHA Sanction #13852
All OMHA rules apply.
The tournament convenor and committee reserve the right to make decisions regarding the interpretation of the rules and regulations and as such all decisions be said convenor or committee are final.
All referees calls are final.
All games will be stop time except when Mercy Rule is applied.
Division games will consist of two (2) ten-minute periods and one (1) fifteen-minute period. There will be no overtime periods within round robin play.
All games are to start at the scheduled time even if prior game ends early. Please allow facility staff to check/clean rooms between games.
Each game time will include a three (3) minute warmup with the clock starting as soon as the referees are on the ice.
Teams are not to enter the ice surface without the presence of at least one referee/linesman.
There is ZERO tolerance for any sort of abuse of the tournament convenors, volunteers or referees. Such abuse will be reported to OMHA and the offending team's Board of Directors. Coaches are responsible for the actions of their staff, players and family members.
Mercy Rule
A five (5) goal lead at any time during the third period will invoke the mercy rule which is as follows:
The clock will run straight time following the first face-off after the five goal lead and will continue to run unless the lead is reduced to less than five goals in which case stop time will be re-invoked. During straight time, two (2) minute minor penalties will be set at 3 minutes each while five (5) minute major penalties will be set at 7 minutes each.
Time Outs
Teams are allowed one (1) 30 second time out per game during regulation time (all games)
Timeouts are not allowed during overtime periods
Overtime Procedure
All finals games (quarter, semi or championship) which is tied at the end of regulation time will be subject to overtime.
A single five (5) minute stop time period of three (3) on three (3) hockey will be played with the first goal scored resulting in sudden victory.
Penalties assessed during the overtime will result in the non-offending team adding one (1) player to create a four (4) on three (3) advantage. The penalized player may re-enter play when the infraction time has expired. Once the first stoppage in play occurs after the penalty has expired, the teams will revert back to 3 on 3 to continue play.
If no goals are scored during the overtime period a shoot out will commence to determine the winner.
Shoot Out
The first round will consist of three (3) players (designated by each team at the start of the shootout) per team each taking one shot on net. The team with the most goals at the end of Round 1 will be declared the winner
If still tied after the first round, then the shootout will continue with rounds of one (1) shooter per team until one team scores and the other does not within a round
Each team's players will make a shot attempt simultaneously
Players may not shoot a second time until all other players have attempted a shot (or a third shot before all other players have attempted a second shot and so on)
The order in which the players shoot is at the team's discretion however the next round of shooter must be ready to go as soon as each round ends
Players still serving an infraction at the end of overtime are not permitted to participate in the shootout. The exception will be if the player in the box is serving penalty time for another player or a team infraction (bench minor or a player that has been ejected for example)
Points and Ranking (all divisions)
Round Robin points are awarded as follows:
Win - 2 points
Tie - 1 point
Loss - 0 points
Teams will be ranked in each division at the completion of round robin play to determine which teams advance to the finals rounds. Teams will advance within their division as per the tournament schedule dependent upon their ranking.
Team ranking is decided by point total. In the event of a tie in a pool or division after round robin play, the following tie-breakers will be employed:
Record for most wins
Record against other tied team (NOT applicable in a 3-way tie or more)
Goals for percentage of all games played (formula to be used is: GF/(GF+GA)=GF%)
Fewest goals against
Most goals for
Fewest penalty minutes
Coin flip
The home teams for any finals games are determined as follows:
Highest seeded team
Most points in round robin play
Round robin goals for and against percentage as per tournament website
Lowest per game average of penalty minutes
Team that scored their first goal of the tournament the earliest
Coin flip
Any player that receives a fighting misconduct will be suspended for the remainder of the tournament. Any suspensions incurred during the tournament shall be served according the OMHA rules and regulations.