The SMMHA LL Tournament is now open for registration. The tournament will take place January 4-6, 2019 in St.Marys.
Registration is limited as follows:
Atom - 6 teams
Peewee - 10 teams
Bantam - 6 teams
Midget - 6 teams
Don't miss out, register today!
***** There are two steps to secure your spot in our tournament ****
1. Go to our website and fill out the online form. A $200 non refundable deposit is required. You can use your PayPal account or by credit card thru Paypal
2. Complete this form LL_Tournament_Application_2019.pdf and mail it with the BALANCE due to:
Kristene McCurdy
1764 Perth Road 123
RR#3 St.Marys, ON,
N4X 1C6
Tel (519) 284-0498
[email protected]