Registration Instructions
How do I register for the boys AE tournament?
There are two parts to the registration, a $200 non refundable deposit will secure your spot in the tournament now, and followup with a cheque for the balance with your paper registration form.
Here's the details:
Step 1: Access Online Tournament Reservation Form you will be asked for contact information and to pick the division.
Step 2: When you submit the form, you will receive an email with a link to PayPal. This service will allow you to pay the required $200 non refundable deposit . You don't need a PayPal account to use this service, you can access as a guest and pay via credit card.
Step 3: After submitting the payment, we will receive an email confirming the payment, and we will email you a confirmation of spot in the tournament.
Step 4: Fill out the following two forms
Tournament Application Form
SMMHA Tournament Roster Form
With these two forms, attach a cheque for the balance (registration minus the $200 deposit) and mail to tournament convenor.
any questions please contact Patty Drinkwalter, tournament convenor.
Patty Drinkwalter
2129 Road 133
St.Marys, ON, N4X 1C4
(519) 284-4217
email: [email protected]