Dressing Room Policy (St. Marys Minor Hockey)

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SMMHA Dressing Room Policy

Coaching staff must ensure a safe and comfortable dressing room environment with proper supervision always upheld. At no time should any person(s) who are not team officials, properly screened, be permitted in the dressing room.

A minimum of two (2) coaching staff must be present when in the dressing room with the door ajar. If a ‘team dressing room monitor’ is being used to ensure the players arrive safely back to the dressing room after leaving the ice, the adult must be screened and must stay outside the dressing room with the door ajar until the coaching staff return.

For teams U9 and up, players must leave the dressing room for skates or other equipment needs. It is understood that parents/guardians of U5 and U7 age players will need to enter the dressing room to assist their player with hockey equipment. 

The use of cell phones and cameras are prohibited in all minor hockey dressing rooms. This includes all coaches, players, family members, and any other person(s) in the dressing room. All players will be required to leave their cell phone at home, with a parent/guardian, or place into the team cell phone bag when entering the dressing room. Coaching staff will ensure the cell phone bag is in use and no cell phones remain in dressing room unless in the cell phone bag. This applies to any and all arenas.  If a player requires the use of cell phone for medical reasons, a written letter must be submitted to the head coach and division rep and approval by SMMHA must be granted.

Failure to abide by the dressing room policy will result in the following action:

1st Offense - verbal warning
2nd Offense - meeting and removal of individual from all SMMHA and team activities (games, practices, events) for a period of 1 week
3rd Offense - meeting and removal of individual from all SMMHA and team activities (games, practices, events) for a period of 2 weeks
4th or More Offense - meeting and removal of individual from all SMMHA and team activities (games, practices, events) for an indefinite period

If any offense results in a breach of the Code of Conduct, further disciplinary action may be taken, which could include an indefinite suspension from participation in minor hockey.

SMMHA endorses a positive and respectful environment for all individuals.