SMMHA OMHA & OWHA Major Player Awards
Donald K. Mossip Memorial Award
Most Outstanding Goaltender
2022/23 Winner: Josh Ballantyne
2021/22 Winner: Nic Kiestra & Will Galloway
Mike Mattussi Award
Most Sportsmanlike Player On and Off the Ice
2022/23 Winner: Lucas McCurdy
2021/22 Winner: Mason Boonstra
Terry Crisp Award
Most Colourful and Hardest Working Player
2022/23 Winner: Ethan Brine
2021/22 Winner: Kirk Boreham
Bob Searles Award
Most Outstanding Player
2022/23 Winner: Owen Boyd & Ian Boyd
2021/22 Winner: Ethan Froggett
Lindsay Atkinson Memorial Award
Most Sportsmanlike Player On and Off the Ice
2022/23 Winner: Lucy Petrie
2021/22 Winner: Kendra Robertson
Ernie Little Trophy
Most Outstanding Goalie
2022/23 Winner: Matt Luyten
2021/22 Winner: Matt Luyten
Doug Hicks Memorial Trophy
Outstanding Leadership by a Player
2022/23 Winner: Natalie Johnston
2021/22 Winner: Lydia Taylor
Dixies Award
Most Skillful and Hardest Working Player
2022/23 Winner: Naeve Goris & Hailey Scott
2021/22 Winner: Avery Jones