Privacy, Photography, Social Media Policy (St. Marys Minor Hockey)

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SMMHA Privacy Policy

St.Marys Minor Hockey believes in respecting everyone’s right to confidentiality.

SMMHA St.Marys Minor Hockey Association collects personal information from prospective members, members, coaches, referees, managers and volunteers for the purposes of conducting Hockey Programming.

Information specific to a player such as a player's name, address and date of birth are collected to determine that the player's geographical, division of play and level of play information are consistent with Hockey Canada/Branch regulations. Historical information concerning past teams played for is collected in order to determine if any St.Marys Minor Hockey Association transfer regulations may apply.

St.Marys Minor Hockey Association is required to share information with governing bodies, including Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA), Ontario Women’s Hockey Association (OWHA), and Hockey Canada.  SMMHA teams participate in OMHA, OWHA, and HC sanctioned leagues and events, and require rosters containing personal information to be shared during registration for these leagues and events.  Please refer to the OMHA, OWHA and Hockey Canada Privacy Policy documents to learn more about how they use and protect personal information.

At no time are lists generated for the purpose of marketing, or the sale of information.

Team Officials must comply with the SMMHA Privacy Policy. Team lists and phone numbers are not to be shared with anyone outside of SMMHA and specifically may not be distributed to outside agencies, companies, associations or individuals.

Photos on the website are provided by coaches and SMMHA Executive. If you do not wish to have your child's photo displayed on the SMMHA web site and related marketing, please contact the President of St.Marys Minor Hockey Association.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the SMMHA Privacy Policy or the use and distribution of personal information, please contact the President of St.Marys Minor Hockey association.



Uploading photos and videos onto social media services and websites can be a great way to share memorable moments with friends and family, but there can be risks associated with posting photos and videos of children online. There are some things that can be done to reduce the risk of photos and videos being shared more widely than intended.

In public places, individuals have the right to take a photo unless taken in a way that is offensive or makes a nuisance to those in the vicinity.  Once posted online, any photo or video can be shared, copied and/or manipulated. Individuals may not be able to control how a photo or video is used by others, so consideration should be made regarding:

•      Who might be able to see these photos?

•      Is there anyone else in this photo? (Be mindful that some people may not want their image to be published) 

•      Will this photo offend anyone?

•      Are there any identifying details in the photo? (Including personal information such as your names, landmarks, etc.)

When uploading photos and videos, individuals should check privacy settings on the social media services being used, as well as on their device. Privacy settings can be changed to control who sees photos. Other ways that may give more control when sharing photos and videos include:

  • sharing photos by email
  • using a secure online portal (secure online facility enabling organizations to authorize access through secure passwords)
  • multimedia messaging service (a standard way to send messages that include photos and videos over a cellular network).


Individuals should consider how and where they share any photographs taken of SMMHA players and teams.  The intention in most cases is to share moments from the season, but care should be taken to ensure that no harm comes to players, coaches, or members of the association as a result of images shared or posted.

Given the public nature of the facilities within which games and other team activities occur, parents should not expect complete privacy, with regards to photographs being taken and/or shared of their child. 




For the purpose of this Social Media and Networking Policy, the policy will encompass public communications through mediums such as (but not limited to): text, picture, and video messaging, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, and any other social media network that allows users to communicate online, as well as other forms of electronic communication.

The policy will be applicable to all members of the St.Marys Minor Hockey Association (SMMHA), including Board Members, Coaching & Bench Staff, Teams, SMMHA members, on-ice and off-ice officials, players, players’ family members and supporters.

The SMMHA recognizes and appreciates the value of social media and the importance of social networking to all of its stakeholders. The SMMHA also respects the right of all Teams and Association personnel to express their views publicly. At the same time, we must be aware of the dangers social media and networking can present.

The purpose of this policy is to educate the SMMHA Community on the risks of social media and to ensure all Teams and Association personnel are aware that conduct deemed to be inappropriate will be subject to disciplinary action by the SMMHA.

When using social media and networking mediums, the SMMHA community should assume at all times they are representing all members of the Association, the Association and the SMMHA Governing Associations. All members of the SMMHA community should remember to use the same discretion with texting, social media and networking as they do with other traditional forms of media.



a) SMMHA holds the entire SMMHA Community who participates in social media and networking to the same standards as it does for all other forms of media including radio, television and print.

b) Comments or remarks of an inappropriate nature which are detrimental to a Team, the Association or an individual will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action.

c) It should be recognized that social media and comments such as texting are “on the record” and can be instantly published and available to the public and media. Everyone including Association and/or Team personnel, players, corporate partners and the media can review social media communications. Individuals should conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner at all times.

d) Individuals should refrain from divulging confidential information of a personal or team related nature. Revealing business or game strategy that could provide another team or individual a competitive advantage should be avoided. Furthermore, injury information or other information about any player that is not considered public should not be disclosed at any time.

e) Best judgment should be used at all times – individuals are reminded to pause before posting or sending posts or comments. Once comments are posted or sent they cannot be retracted. Ultimately, individuals are solely responsible for their comments.

f) If requested to participate in an online network, as a direct result of an affiliation with or participation where individual participation may reflect in any way on SMMHA, it is recommended that individuals request approval from the Team or the Association.



The following are examples of conduct through social media and networking mediums that are considered violations of the SMMHA Social Media and Networking Policy and may be subject to disciplinary action by the Association.

Examples of violations include (but are not limited to):

a) Any statement deemed to be publicly critical of Association officials or detrimental to the welfare of a member Team, the Association or an individual.

b) Divulging confidential information that may include, but is not limited to the following:

•   player injuries; player movement; game strategies; or

•   any other matter of a sensitive nature to a member Team, the Association or an individual.

c) Negative or derogatory comments about any of the KHMA Teams, the Association, the League(s) and/or SMMHA programs, stakeholders, players or any members of the SMMHA.

d) Any form of bullying, harassment, intimidation or threats against players or officials.

e) Photographs, video or comments promoting negative influences or criminal behavior, including but not limited to: drug use, alcohol abuse, public intoxication, hazing, sexual exploitation, etc.

f) Online activity that contradicts the current policies of the SMMHA or any of its member Associations.

g) Inappropriate, derogatory, racist, or sexist comments of any kind, in keeping with the SMMHA policies and regulations on these matters.

h) Online activity that is meant to alarm other individuals or to misrepresent fact or truth.


SMMHA will investigate reported violation(s) of this policy as deemed appropriate by the Association. If the investigation determines that a violation has occurred, the SMMHA will impose an appropriate sanction as determined by the SMMHA Executive.