September Tryout Registration for OMHA U18A, U9MD and OWHA U9C Teams, News (St. Marys Minor Hockey)

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Aug 12, 2024 | smmha | 928 views
September Tryout Registration for OMHA U18A, U9MD and OWHA U9C Teams
September tryout registration is now open. Tryouts are being held for: OMHA boys U18A, U9MD and OWHA U9C teams. Tryout registration deadline is August 30 and the cost is $65. 

SMMHA will be hosting an OMHA boys U18 A team and a U18 BB team. The BB team will be a Rep "no body checking" team for those players looking to play no body checking Rep hockey. Players are not required to attend U18 A team tryouts if only interested in playing Rep BB (no body checking) hockey. Further information will be sent mid-September to those players who only wish to play Rep BB (non body checking) hockey plus those players not selected for the A team after tryouts.  

Unfortunately, a local league U18 option will not exist in St. Marys for the upcoming season (due to low player numbers) and any player impacted by no LL option will be offered a full registration refund.   

1. If your home centre is St. Marys you register for tryouts using HCR (boys) and RAMP (girls).

2. If your home centre is NOT St. Marys and you are attending tryouts on a NRP passport (boys only), use our website Tryout Registration Form. 

For all tryout information, please refer to the tryout page. Tryout schedules will be posted when finalized. 

Tryout registrations after August 30 will be subject to a $80 fee.
